Helping Rhode Islanders
save on energy costs.

Rhode Island Energy Efficiency Programs

The Council helps the state reach its climate goals by supporting cost-effective energy efficiency programs and finding new ways to reduce climate emissions. Connect with programs available through RI Energy and the RI Office of Energy Resources below.

You may qualify for
no-cost energy upgrades.


The Energy Efficiency Conversation

OER is excited to share key milestones achieved under RI's Lead by Example Executive Order 23-06, ...which sets targets to reduce emissions, increase efficiency, & transition the state towards a zero-emission future.

Check out the 2024 Annual Report here:

The Energy Storage Dashboard has been updated!📊 To explore the number of energy storage systems ...across the state, learn about their fuel sources, and see which cities and towns are reaping the benefits, visit:


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In 2023, 626 companies delivered energy efficiency services to Rhode Islanders, supporting 749 full-time equivalent jobs.

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In 2023, energy efficiency programs resulted in $495 million in total benefits to Rhode Islanders.

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Energy efficiency has created $5.7 billion in realized benefits since 2009. Every $1 invested in energy efficiency puts $3 back in Rhode Island’s economy.

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