Data & Publications

Rhode Island’s energy efficiency activities work in three-year cycles that include:

  1. Setting Energy Savings Targets

  2. Developing Three-Year Plans

  3. Developing, Implementing, and Evaluating Annual Plans for Three Years

  4. Evaluating and Using Results to Inform the Next Cycle


The Rhode Island Energy Efficiency Council monitors the state's energy efficiency programs to maximize cost-effective energy savings for all Rhode Islanders.

legislation and plans


Rhode Island’s Comprehensive Energy Conservation, Efficiency and Affordability Act of 2006 (“2006 Comprehensive Energy Act”) established a comprehensive energy policy that explicitly and systematically requires maximization of ratepayers’ economic savings through investments in all cost-effective energy efficiency. By means of this requirement on the distribution utility to procure all cost-effective energy efficiency, Rhode Island ratepayers have saved and will continue to save hundreds of millions of dollars in energy bills over the next decade.

The primary guidelines informing the planning process to achieve this objective are the Standards for energy efficiency and conservation procurement and system reliability (“the Standards”). The EERMC proposed the initial Standards in June, 2008, and a subsequent revision was approved by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in July, 2008. Updates to the Standards were proposed by the EERMC in 2011 under Docket No. 4202, and again in 2014 under Docket No. 4443, which were both approved by the PUC. The Standards were most recently updated under Docket No. 5015. The purpose of the these Standards is to provide sufficient direction to guide National Grid in its 3-Year and Annual Plans.

Least Cost Procurement law requires the electric and gas utility to submit three-year and annual plans for both energy efficiency program delivery and system reliability procurement. To access additional relevant materials for each plan, explore the associated Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Docket.

Rhode Island Energy Three-Year Plans

  • 2024-2026 Energy Efficiency Plan (DRAFT)
  • 2024-2026 System Reliability Plan (DRAFT)

Rhode Island Energy Annual Plans

National Grid Three-Year Plans

National Grid Annual Plans

A variety of reports track energy efficiency program results. These reports include Rhode Island Energy’s (formerly National Grid) Annual Reports and Quarterly Updates. The EERMC also issues an Annual Report to the Legislature which highlights its activities as it oversees Rhode Island Energy’s Energy Efficiency Plans.

  • 2024 Results & Reporting


Evaluation studies help to verify and qualify the impact that programs are having on energy savings. These studies are relied upon to inform the planning and development of Rhode Island Energy’s energy efficiency programs and services.

2025 Studies

2024 Studies

2023 Studies

2022 Studies

2021 Studies

2020 Studies

2019 Studies

2018 Studies

2017 Studies

2016 Studies

2015 Studies

2014 Studies

2013 Studies

2012 Studies

2011 Studies

2009 Studies

2025 Studies

2024 Studies

2023 Studies

2022 Studies

2021 Studies

2020 Studies

2019 Studies

2018 Studies

2017 Studies

2016 Studies

2015 Studies

2014 Studies

2013 Studies

2012 Studies

2011 Studies

2010 Studies

2009 Studies

2024 Studies

2023 Studies

2022 Studies

2021 Studies

2020 Studies

2019 Studies

2018 Studies

2017 Studies

2016 Studies

2015 Studies

2014 Studies

2013 Studies

2012 Studies

2011 Studies

commissioned studies


The Energy Efficiency Council occasionally commissions studies to better understand opportunities and potential strategies for accessing energy efficiency savings in Rhode Island.

Dunsky Energy Consulting performed a Market Potential Study, commissioned by the EERMC, for the State of Rhode Island. The Potential Study covers the six-year period from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2026 and includes electricity, natural gas, oil, and propane energy savings; passive electric demand reduction savings and active demand response savings; and the costs and benefits associated with these savings.

In 2022-2023, Dunsky Energy Consulting conducted a refresh of this study for the 2024-2026 period. The objective of the refresh was to update key study parameters to reflect new information made available since the original study, including updated codes and standards, evaluated measure savings, and avoided cost estimates. The refresh also had a tighter scope which focused only on energy efficiency and demand response (excluding heating electrification, Combined Heat and Power, and Solar from the original study), and produced one achievable scenario (instead of three in the original study).

As Rhode Island continues to set nation-leading goals for customer-side investments in least-cost energy efficiency, increasing attention has been paid to the role that financing might play in expanding the reach of programs, lowering their overall costs, and otherwise supporting the wider and hastened adoption of efficient and clean energy technologies.

In 2014, the EERMC commissioned a study by Dunsky Energy Consulting to evaluate how new and existing energy efficiency financing strategies could potentially support Rhode Island’s public policy of Least-Cost Procurement. Dunsky Energy Consulting worked with a group of energy efficiency and finance stakeholders over the course of five months to explore the following research objectives:

  1. Defining the purpose of an expanded focus on financing
  2. Clarifying terminology related to financing
  3. Reviewing how Rhode Island currently uses financing
  4. Learning what other jurisdictions have done regarding financing
  5. Discussing which financing methods make sense for Rhode Island
  6. Understanding the benefits and costs of financing
  7. Specifying how Rhode Island would smooth the way for expanded use of financing
  8. Exploring wider financing opportunities

Links to the meeting presentation materials and the final Dunsky memo are included below.

The General Assembly designed the 2006 Comprehensive Energy Bill to maximize ratepayers’ economic savings by placing a clear requirement on the distribution utility to procure all energy efficiency that is less costly than supply. To help determine the quantity of such efficiency resources and the cost savings to be enjoyed by Rhode Island ratepayers, the General Assembly charged the EERMC with producing an Opportunity Report that would identify: (1) the quantity of low cost efficiency resources existing in Rhode Island homes, business, and institutions and (2) System Reliability resources such as distributed generation, small scale renewables, and demand response in the state. The studies that follow were commissioned, directed, and managed by the EERMC to meet these goals. These studies are to be used by National Grid in developing its Least Cost Efficiency Procurement and System Reliability Plans, and by the EERMC in guiding the development of state policies and practices consistent with the findings and directives of the 2006 Comprehensive Energy Bill and the PUC’s Standards for Energy Efficiency and System Reliability Procurement.


Several entities are instrumental in ensuring that Rhode Island’s energy efficiency programs perform at their best and adhere to the law of Least Cost Procurement.

Rhode Island Energy is the primary utility in Rhode Island, as it serves 99% of electric and gas customers. The Pascoag Utility District serves a portion of Burrillville and Block Island Power Company serves New Shoreham. Because Rhode Island Energy is the primary utility in the state, it is often referred to as “the utility” or “the Company.” Rhode Island Energy is also the primary energy efficiency program administrator in Rhode Island, maintaining a wide portfolio of successful programs.

The Energy Efficiency Council provides oversight of Rhode Island’s ratepayer funded energy efficiency programs and structured stakeholder participation. The Council includes fifteen members that represent small and large business, non-profit organizations, market rate and low-income homeowners and renters, municipalities, governments and environmental science and policy. The Council’s goal is to ensure Rhode Islanders are getting the least expensive and most environmentally healthy energy supply through energy efficiency, conservation, and resource management.

More information: About the Energy Efficiency Council

The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (PUC) is a quasi-judicial body that regulates Rhode Island utilities. In addition to regulating electric distribution and pipeline public utilities, the PUC also has jurisdiction over gas, water, railroad, ferry boats, telephone, and telegraph. The PUC has three Commissioners appointed by the Governor to six-year terms with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Commissioners hold public hearings on rates, tariffs, and charges by the utility, among other items. Its role in energy efficiency involves approving utilities’ Annual Energy Efficiency (EE) and System Reliability Procurement (SRP) Plans (including the System Benefits Charge), Three-Year Energy Savings Targets, and Least Cost Procurement Standards.

More information: RI Public Utilities Commission

The Division of Public Utilities and Carriers (DPUC or “Division”) is the regulatory arm that represents the ratepayer in rate cases and filings with the Public Utilities Commission. The Division is a settling party to EE and SRP Plans and participates in the Energy Efficiency Technical Working Group.

More information: RI Division of Public Utilities and Carriers

The Office of Energy Resources (OER) is Rhode Island’s lead state agency on energy policy and programs. OER works closely with private and public stakeholders to increase the reliability and security of the state’s energy supply, reduce energy costs and mitigate price volatility, and improve environmental quality. OER operates at the nexus of the many ongoing efforts to transform the Ocean State energy system. Its role in energy efficiency includes working closely with the Council and its consultant team to review EE and SRP Plans.

National Grid’s Rhode Island Energy Efficiency Technical Working Group (formerly known as the Demand Collaborative) is a group of energy efficiency stakeholders that meets monthly to inform the development, implementation, and evaluation of National Grid’s EE and SRP Plans. National Grid has facilitated the Collaborative since 1991 as a means to create transparency around the development of annual EE and SRP Plans and to work towards building consensus with organizations before the plans are filed with the PUC each year.

More information: EE Technical Working Group

energy expo 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Least Cost Procurement is the principle of ensuring that the utility purchases the lowest cost energy resource, energy efficiency, first. Rhode Island law requires RI Energy to invest in all cost-effective energy efficiency that is less expensive than buying electricity or natural gas (R.I.G.L.§ 39-1-27.7). Electricity from a combined cycle natural gas power plant costs about 12-16 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (Synapse Energy Economics, 2013), while it costs about 4 cents to save a kWh through efficiency (Acadia Center, 2015(c)). Rhode Island’s Least Cost Procurement strategy is based on economics, flexible to changing market conditions, and designed to maximize consumer benefits.

The Energy Efficiency Council is made up of representatives of a wide range of consumer interests, including low income, residential, business, industrial, and environmental. The Energy Efficiency Council has a statutory responsibility to oversee RI Energy’s energy efficiency programs, guide energy efficiency program planning and budgeting, provide stakeholder involvement in program planning, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of efficiency programs, and promote public awareness and understanding of energy efficiency (R.I.G.L. § 42-140.1). Rhode Island- and other states with similar stakeholder engagement- is seeing among the highest market penetration of efficiency goods and services, the largest savings rates in the country, and the largest per capita economic benefits (Acadia Center, 2015 (c)).

There are many well-documented market barriers, market failures, and other reasons why consumers consistently fail to adopt cost-saving efficiency measures that are in their own economic best interest (Acadia Center, 2012, 2015 (d)). For example, it’s impossible to identify inefficiencies by looking at a typical energy bill. Consumers cannot easily pinpoint what appliance to replace with a more efficient model or what building energy improvements to make to lower their energy costs. It is hard for consumers to calculate and be relatively certain that making an efficiency investment will save money by reducing their energy bills over time. In addition, energy consumers-especially businesses- typically want a 2- to 3- year payback for an efficiency project, but are happy with an 8-year or longer payback for other investment choices (Acadia Center, 2015(c)). Often, it just seems like too much time and effort to research an efficient upgrade, fill out a loan application, find a contractor and get quotes, and supervise workers in their home or business.

RI’s comprehensive energy efficiency programs are designed to overcome most of these impediments through three primary tools (Acadia Center, 2015(c)):

  • Technical Assistance and Information: Guidance from energy efficiency professionals can make energy efficiency improvements more understandable, accessible, and easily implemented by homeowners and business people. Experts help consumers work through the available information 2 about upfront costs, how to choose a contractor, quotes and pricing, available incentives, and resulting energy savings. Experts also provide back-end assistance through commissioning and training on the use of new equipment to make sure the customer knows how to operate it as intended.
  • Financial Incentives and Rebates: Incentives help by reducing the risk (or perceived risk) of not recouping an energy efficiency investment and by guiding customers to the best options. Energy efficiency incentives reduce the length of the payback period and make the project feasible, even for business customers that must conform to strict payback periods. Financial incentives come in several forms. For example, a residential customer is eligible to receive a free home energy assessment during which the auditor will install energy efficient lighting and other measures at no cost. The customer may also be eligible to have his home weatherized and pay only 50% of the total project cost. Sometimes, the rebate is already built into the price of the energy efficient product. For example, RI Energy buys down the price of LED lightbulbs at retailers like Home Depot, Lowes, and local hardware stores so that the sticker price is significantly lower than it otherwise would be. The objective is to design the incentive to the market and fuel type, while simultaneously minimize the costs of saving energy.
  • Efficiency Financing: Access to capital is a barrier to implementing efficiency for some customers, and various forms of financing have been used to cost-effectively address this in many markets. Loans can help homeowners or business owners with efficiency upgrades when access to capital is a problem.

One perspective is that RI’s energy efficiency programs make our energy bills more expensive. This is misleading at best. Far from being any sort of “extra,” the Energy Efficiency Program Charge is the only portion of the bill that helps us save money. Energy efficiency is the least-cost fuel source (Acadia Center, 2015(a)). Buying electricity from a power plant like the natural-gas fired Manchester Street Station costs 12-16 cents per kWh, yet saving power through energy efficiency actions costs about 4 cents per kWh. The Division of Public Utilities– the state agency charged with watching out for consumer interests– recently commissioned the research firm Synapse Energy Economics to see what efficiency is really doing for our electric bills. The analysis finds that a homeowner who gets a home energy assessment can save approximately 12% on her electric bill by replacing inefficient lighting and appliances and upgrading home insulation and weatherization. Factor in savings on natural gas or fuel oil use and total spending on energy is even lower. And small business customers, who are eligible for free energy audits, can save as much as 37% to 47% by installing high efficiency equipment and making recommended retrofits (Synapse Energy Economics, 2014).

The energy system is fairly unique in that everyone benefits from energy efficiency. Even consumers who do nothing to their own houses or offices (or have already made energy efficiency upgrades) benefit from their neighbors’ energy efficiency actions. By reducing the state’s demand for power, we drive down the average price and those savings are passed on to all electric customers. The Division’s study finds that these bill savings significantly outweigh the amount—an average of just over 1%– that we all pay to finance low cost, low risk energy efficiency investments (Synapse Energy Economics, 2014). We benefit from system savings in other ways too. In 2012 and 2013, energy efficiency policies in Massachusetts and Vermont allowed regulators to defer indefinitely more than 10 planned transmission upgrades, saving all New England ratepayers about $416 million in transmission costs (Acadia Center, 2015 (c)). During the winter of 2014 along, without savings from energy efficiency programs, wholesale electricity prices would have been 24% higher and Rhode Island’s electricity costs would have been about $98,000,000 higher during the three-month winter period (Acadia Center, 2015(b)).

In the past, promoting energy efficiency was bad business for most electric and natural gas utilities. Utility revenue increases with sales, and when customers invested in efficient, the utility lost money. Decoupling is an increasingly common way to regulate how a utility gets paid. It breaks the link between the utility’s revenue and the amount of energy it sells, removing the disincentive for the utility to be a full partner in energy efficiency and clean resource investments. In order to ensure that RI Energy is a full partner in delivering on RI’s energy goals, the General Assembly adopted decoupling in 2010 (R.I.G.L § 39-1-27.7.1). Decoupling changes only the way the utility is compensated for its distribution costs. Under decoupling, delivery charges are not based on sales, but rather on how much it costs to run the system and maintain the grid. This revenue cap is determined in a rate proceeding before the Public Utilities Commission, and the utility must justify and manage to these costs. If the utility collects more revenue than allowed by the cap, customers get a credit on their bill next year; if the utility collects less, customers will see a small surcharge. Customer savings achieved through energy efficiency benefit them directly and do not impact the utility’s bottom line.

There is an inherent conflict between the traditional utility business model and Rhode Island’s Least Cost Procurement policy to reduce the state’s energy costs by investing in all cost-effective energy efficiency. Under the traditional business model, the utility earns revenue when it sells electricity (or natural gas) – energy efficiency directly undermines the utility’s bottom line by reducing sales. Rhode Island adopted decoupling in 4 order to address this conflict. Decoupling keeps a utility from over or under-collecting an approved revenue cap due to increases or decreases in sales. However, decoupling only removes the disincentive for energy efficiency; it does not provide an incentive for the utility to be a full partner in implementing Least Cost Procurement. Performance incentives are a key tool to motivate the utility to achieve high levels of energy efficiency savings by:

  • Allowing energy efficiency activity by the utility to be a source of earnings, rather than just a passthrough expense.
  • Putting energy efficiency investments on a more comparable footing with other types of utility investments, such as in new power plants or transmission and distribution, which are allowed to earn a rate of return.
  • Offering a financial reward and motivation directly tied to achieving measurable successes in saving energy. The performance incentive is one effective tool for delivering economic benefits and cost savings to Rhode Islanders that far exceed the amount invested.

In addition to enabling nation-leading levels of energy savings, Rhode Island’s investments in cost-effective, low cost energy efficiency are creating jobs and boosting economic activity. Energy efficiency reduces the cost of doing business in Rhode Island and lowers residents’ energy bills, leaving them with more disposable income to spend on other goods and services. These two effects lead to job creation and economic growth. Every $1 million invested in energy efficiency leads to the creation of 45 job-years of employment, and every $1 invested boosts Gross State Product by $4.20 (National Grid, 2014).

See the Energy Efficiency Council's Annual Reports for current data on the impacts of efficiency on Rhode Island’s economy.